What is the best way to get a perfect pool or spa this summer?
Oh No! Not another post about a magic new chemical from the pool shop to solve all your problems at maximum $$$ to you…
Not that Chemicals don’t have their place, but generally a well maintained pool needs a minimum of Chemical intervention.
How can you get a perfect pool then? The answer is Filtration.
Many pool owners don’t realise how important filtration is to the upkeep of their pool. Their main concern is how much power their filtration appliances are using, so they don’t turn them on as often as they should or for as long as they should.
When this occurs, pumps have to work overtime to catch up and additional chemicals often need to be put into the pool or spa.
Please be aware that the only way to achieve a well-maintained Perfect Sparkling Pool or Spa is to maintain it well, and that means Filtration, Filtration, Filtration…
Buying that Pump for the sake of how it performs, instead of how cheap it is, puts you well on the way to doing so.
Quite often, the pumps that perform the best are the most economical now, so in the long term you will be ahead anyway.
Oh and P.S. Remember to clean out the lint basket frequently – particularly if you have overhanging trees!
Maintaining your Media Filter regularly by backwashing and changing Media at the recommended times, or if you have a Cartridge Filter cleaning the filter cartridge, are essential.
Naturally, there is much more to taking care of your Pool and Spa, but if you start with good filtration you can stop a lot of problems before they can begin.
If you would like to know more about how to maintain your pool, this is just the start of our series on looking after your pool the easy way. Why not take a look at Part 2: Have you Got a Happy, Healthy Pool .