Heat Pump Installation – Including a Gold Master Electrician!

heat pump repairs

Why not get premium service all the way?

Pool shops or suppliers can give you a price for heat pump installation, but electrical costs are usually not included. 

Here at Poolheat, we are great believers in providing a full service and we have found great success in working with GESA Electrical to perform heat pump installations.

Garry is a Gold Master Electrician. Becoming a Gold master electrician is no small feat. It involves years of work and study and there are very few in Australia. We are extremely proud to offer our customers the expertise of Garry Nau from GESA Electrical in these installations.

Coupled with our own unique skills in the Pool Industry, you will experience a smooth installation, meaning your heat pump will work at the end of that day.

From your quote for the heat pump and installation until completion of the job, we will do our utmost to ensure that the whole procedure runs smoothly for you.

The image below shows you the final stages of a recent installation performed with GESA Electrical.  You can see that the Heat Pump is installed outside, whereas the pool equipment is on the inside of the equipment shed.  

heat pump installation in progress

What this means for you is that you can rely on a tidy installation taking place with not only a neat finish in the water section but a great tie-in with your electrical work.

Naturally, you can rely on Garry’s unique skill set and attention to detail when performing this work at your home.

To see more information regarding  GESA Electrical why not check out their website at gesaelectrical.com.au

Rheem Heat Pumps

In the recent installation shown above, a Rheem Heat Pump is shown.

Rheem Heat Pumps are quiet in comparison to some others, so even though it is quite a large heat pump it is unlikely to disturb your neighbours, even if close to fencing.

In this way, you can keep a piece of powerful equipment discreetly out of view, but in the correct place and installed perfectly by professionals.

Why not get premium service all the way, with Rheem heat pump installation by Poolheat and GESA Electrical.